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Kelly Bulkeley
Dreaming Beyond Death
A Guide To Pre-death Dreams And Visions

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The authors offer a unique how-to on interpreting dreams one has during the period just before death. With a nod to various scientific and religious factions whose opinions of dreams range from considering them to be of no value to believing they are works of Satan, the authors contend that "one of the functions of dreaming is precisely to create the meanings that will help us face the end with courage and understanding." If the very thing that defines humans is the ability to find meaning, they say, then allowing oneself to experience, remember, and find meaning in dreams can only serve to enrich one's last days. To support that supposition, they present anecdotes gleaned mainly from hospice spiritual-services provider Bulkley's professional experience. They make a case in favor of dreams as endowing the journey to death with opportunities for mending fences, making peace with a troubled conscience, and looking beyond temporary pain to a rich reward or, at least, a welcome serenity.

Houghton Mifflin, 2006, 152 S.
11,70 Euro
ISBN: 978-0-8070-7715-3

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